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Biography / プロフィール


Ryunosuke Abe, better known as Pepe, is a Japanese musician who plays both Trombone and Euphonium. He is the principal trombonist of the Osaka Symphony Orchestra.


Pepe started on the Euphonium at the age of 13 when he was in junior high school in Ehime, Japan. He was fortunate to have a good teacher at a school with a good band program. He continued to play the Euphonium through high school and began to play trombone when he was 18. 

In 1995 he took second prize in the young artist division of the solo competition at the International Tuba Euphonium Conference (ITEC) in United States. Two years later, Pepe went to France for an international competition where he was moved -and shocked- by the incredible performances he heard from many great European musicians. This turned out to be a turning point in his life.


In 1998 he traveled to Perpignan, France where he studied with Mel Culbertson, the former  principal tuba player in Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine and professor at CNSMD de Lyon. Culbertson influenced both Pepe’s style of playing music and his life, and actually gave him the nickname “Pepe”!


Pepe received three gold medals for Euphonium, Trombone, and chamber music from CNR de Perpignan in 1999, and a few years later became assistant professor at CNR de Perpignan, where he gave lessons along with Mel Culbertson.


His next move (in 2003) was to Leipzig, Germany, where he was the principal euphonium (Tenorhorn) player with the Rundfunk-Blasorchester Leipzig (Leipzig Radio Wind Orchestra). The following  year he moved to Nyiregyhaza, Hungary, as the principal trombonist with the Szabolcsi Szimfonikus Zenekar (Szabolcsi Symphony Orchestra).


In 2004, Pepe was a guest soloist at the International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Budapest, and was again invited to ITEC in Linz, Austria in 2012, where he performed Pantomime by the English composer, Philip Sparke.


Along with giving master classes and concerts in Japan, France, and Spain, Pepe won prizes in both the Euphonium and Trombone divisions at the 1st International Brass Competition in Jeju, South Korea in 2000.


After returning to Japan in 2005, Pepe continued his performing and teaching career. He has been the musical director of Brass Band "Camellia" since 2008, and in 2012 performed the Japan Premiere of Euphonium Concerto No.3 "Diamond Concerto" by Philip Sparke with the Ehime University wind band. Pepe was a guest artist at the 2014 Spanish Euphonium and Tuba Association (AETYB) Festival in Barcelona, where he presented a master-class and a performed a solo recital.


Under the baton of Dutch composer Johan de Meij in Fukuoka in 2018, Pepe performed TWO-BONE Concerto with co-soloist Jörgen van Rijen at the Japan Premiere with the Kyushu Wind Orchestra.

"Music. A. Pepe" publishes Pepe’s arrangements, compositions, and CDs, including his solo Euphonium CD "Carmen Fantasy" (2005) and Double CD with Trombone and Euphonium "BOLD AS BRASS" (2012).

Pepe is a YAMAHA Trombone Artist, and uses the YAMAHA YSL-882OR, YSL-882GOR and YSL-671 for concerts and master-classes.


As an ADAMS Euphonium Artist, he performs on an ADAMS Custom E1 Euphonium.


Pepe Abe has been principal Trombone of the Osaka Symphony Orchestra since 2015, and Euphonium and Trombone lecturer at the ESA Music Academy.



 1995年にアメリカで開催されたI.T.E.C.(International Tuba Euphonium Conference/世界テューバ・ユーフォニアム大会)の中でのコンクールのヤングアーティスト部門で第2位。それを機に日本国内のみでなく、日本国外にも目を向けるようになる。



 当時、フランス国立ボルドー・アキテーヌ管弦楽団、首席テューバ奏者であり、フランス国立リヨン高等音楽院の教授であった故 Mel Culbertson氏に師事する。


 1999年、フランス国立ペルピニャン音楽院より金メダルをトロンボーン、ユーフォニアム、室内楽それぞれで受ける。のちに同音楽院のテューバ/ユーフォニアム科の助教授となり、師である故Mel Culbertson氏のアシスタントとして後進の指導にあたる。


 2003年、ドイツ、ライプツィヒへ移りRundfunk-Blasorchester Leipzig(ライプツィヒ放送吹奏楽団)のメンバーとして活動、2004年にはハンガリーへ移りSzabolcsi Szimfonikus Zenekar(サボルチ交響楽団)の首席トロンボーン奏者として活動する。


 2004年にハンガリー、ブダペストで開催されたI.T.E.C.(International Tuba Euphonium Conference/世界テューバ・ユーフォニアム大会)にゲスト・アーティストとして参加、ソロリサイタルを行う。2012年にオーストリアのリンツで開催された同大会でもゲスト・アーティストとして参加し、地元リンツの吹奏楽団とP.Spark作曲のPantomimeを演奏する。








 2012年9月には、愛媛大学吹奏楽団との共演でイギリスの作曲家Philip Sparke氏の「ダイアモンド・コンチェルト(ユーフォニアム協奏曲 第3番)」の日本初演を成功させた。








 2018年、福岡での九州管楽合奏団の定期演奏会にて、 Meij氏の「TWO-BONE Concerto」をJörgen van Rijen氏と共にソリストとして日本初演を成功させる。



 2005年に自身の出版会社「Music. A. Pepe(ムジカぺぺ)」を設立。CDや自身がアレンジをした楽譜の販売を開始。

 2005年にユーフォニアムでのソロCD「Carmen Fantasy」を、2012年にトロンボーン、ユーフォニアムでの2枚組CD「BOLD AS BRASS」をリリース。



 オランダ、ADAMS社のCustom Euphonium E1を演奏し、ADAMS Euphonium Artistとして精力的に活動している。


 YAMAHA社のTrombone YSL-882OR、YSL-882GOR、YSL-671を演奏し、YAMAHA Trombone Artistとして精力的に活動している。





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